Hidden disabilities

How are you??

Im starting to finally get over this horrible cold that sat on my lungs and vocal cords meaning I basically sounded like a chain smoker if I had a voice at all to talk with. It really is at times I have this kind of colds that I realize that my asthma and pollen allergies really are hidden disabilities.

My pollen allergies used to be so bad, that infact when the levels of pollen in the air was to high I had to stay in doors and at home from school to prevent that my body would get too fatigued and risk being stuck in bed all day instead. They got so bad to a point that I would get a fever from just going out the door. My mum and my doctor came up with the idea that I should try these medical shots where they give you a shot of a weakend pollen allergen that your immune stystem can get used to and that way decrese your allergy. One of these treatment plans for one allergen takes about 3-5 years deepening all on your own body and how it reacts to this type of treatment. I had to do two of these treatments since I’m allergic to two types of pollen, birch and grass. I started treatments with the birch allergen and my body reacted fine so that took the minimal of 3 years. The grass allergen was a different story, my body didnt react as well to that treatment as it did to birch and started to give me different side effects I didnt had before such as fatigue following the treatments and various other once that caused this treatment to take 4,5 years.  Im still classified as allergic but it has lowered my allergy levels and they aren’t as severe today as they used to be.

My asthma is a different story since I dont need asthma medicines everyday and it’s  triggered by colds. When I get a cold it effects my lung capacity and gives me asthma attacks. Im lucky though that I dont need my medications everyday like my mum, dad and little brother does, but I do still need them from time to time. I instead have to monitior my lung capacity and my air flow capacity every day in this little device that I have gotten and if it comes below a certain level I need my medications and if it goes even lower my doctor says I’m “sick” meaning I need to stay at home and rest. When I’m “sick” I’m not allowed to walk in stairs or walk in my normal pace as it can cause damage on my heart from overworking it.

These are some of my hidden disabilities and how I go about them in my daily life. Hidden disabilities are hard cause people may think you are fine and there is nothing wrong with you but we have all been dealt different cards in life and though you cant see them they still affect you and how you go about your daily life in every aspect. Do you have any hidden disabilities? And what helps you with them?

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